Monday, December 27, 2010

Case of the Week 144

A 2 cm x 1 cm x 0.1 cm white smooth soft object was received in saline in the Parasitology lab. With manipulation (using a wooden applicator stick and wearing gloves), it was friable and fragmented easily. Some of the saline surrounding the object was pipetted onto a slide for examination, and the following objects were seen. They measure approximately 30 microns in diameter. Identification? (CLICK ON IMAGES TO ENLARGE)


Malassezia said...

Taenia eggs! The hooklets are really lovely. =) Guessing the white smooth soft object is a proglottid?

Anonymous said...

Taenia saginata. The hooklets are enclosed in an in vt

Unknown said...

Taenia eggs.

Anonymous said...

or solium... either one. what's the medical history?
ju in mn